目前分類:創意應用 (8)

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WP8 already improved photo and video functions of the camera and added some interesting features and apps as preload services. 

  • Image Editing: WP8 lets you edit photo directly through your phone. When viewing a photo, select "edit" then you can "rotate", "crop (trim or clip)", or "fix (enhance)" the photo. The following example use "crop" to clip the original photo into the desired area. Finally, press "done" and "save". Obviously, this function is useful while you want to edit your profile photos.



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Nokia Lumia 920 (or 820) is equipped with super touch technique from Synaptics.


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From: Touchscreen restaurant table forecasts the end of human interactions

Basically, Seamless Web has arrived to a real world setting.


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LEGO unleashes new generation of MINDSTORMS robots




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