一般webmail (e.g. Google Mail, Outlook.com) 信件帳號可以下列方式簡單設定,Outlook自動偵測型態。


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ilearnblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

散瞳驗光 (cycloplegic refraction) 的功能是放鬆「長期過度緊用眼」,導致「眼睛睫狀肌 (ciliary muscle) 疲勞」,以獲得真正的眼屈光狀態,檢驗出正確視力。以藥物使睫狀肌麻痺,失去調節以檢驗出正確視力,尤其是在檢驗幼童是否有「假性近視 (pseudo myopia)」,就會先點「短效散瞳劑」,以排除假性近視的因素,檢驗正確度數。長時間眼睛的休息也可以有同樣的效果,但是不知該休息多久?

Youth vision loss or vision instability (measured vision while clearly, while it is not clear), suspected pseudomyopia should cycloplegic refraction be excluded. Once the dilation of regulation disappeared, pseudomyopia restored.


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ilearnblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you suddenly want to write something without text editor on your device, try to use WebKit-based browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

In the URL line, input:

  • "data:text/html, <html contenteditable>", then you can edit texts on the page presentation area.
However, the above command make the text area as HTML default, that is copying html strings will be pasted as HTML format. If you want a "pure text" (plain text) editor, use the command.

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WP8 already improved photo and video functions of the camera and added some interesting features and apps as preload services. 

  • Image Editing: WP8 lets you edit photo directly through your phone. When viewing a photo, select "edit" then you can "rotate", "crop (trim or clip)", or "fix (enhance)" the photo. The following example use "crop" to clip the original photo into the desired area. Finally, press "done" and "save". Obviously, this function is useful while you want to edit your profile photos.



ilearnblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sometime, I wonder about why MS is so stupid. Why not pay budgets to carry out mimic apps and functions from Apple or Android. Finally, Microsoft is aware to copy right things from competitors and really completes many improvements on WP8. 

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